December 20, 2010introducing sausage party! (Al, Alex, Alexander Greene, Alex Effenberg, Andres, Anteros, Anthony, Bobby, Brian Holiday, Caesar Roberto, Camden, Connor Maguire, Cookie Wilson, Cristofer, Dallas Reeves, Daxx, Dimelo, Donny Rockco, Eli, El Mondo, Enrique, Enzo, Felipe, Giovani, Goofy, Jade, Jake, Jeff, Josh McBig, Justin Stone, Kemer, Ken, Ken Lockwood, K-Slice, Lopez, Marcos, Marcus Diaz, Mason, Matthew Segal, Mr. C, Murray, Pete Rockxxx, Rey, Richard, Roy Zion, Sanchez, Solitano, Steve, Sunny, The Sheriff, Tyson, Ty Tucker)Continue reading →
October 20, 2010wheel of haze (Adam, Adrian Clay, AJ Sunrise, Alexander Greene, Archie Brant, Bobby, Bobby Shear, Chris Rico, Jude Ryan, Kyle Weston, Marcos, Murray, Ryan, Scott Judd, Steve, Tyler)Continue reading →